Monday, 28 April 2008

How to get from the problem to the solotion?

I have just received a comment which I have pasted below.

I want to focus on this comment, not in a defensive way but in a a constructive way. It suggests that the problem is known yet the the solution is the holy grail.

Before I take this point further I would like you to read the comment, it is as follows:

"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Response from ex Jersey social worker":

I agree with everything that is being said i.e the benchmark of organisations such as OFSTED. Checks and balances do need putting in place.

Our civil servants and ministers should be held accountable. Our current goverment could well be described as corrupt.But in all honesty you're not telling us anything we don't know or at least nothing that will suprise us.

As I commented previously we, or I need to know what can be done about it all. I'm getting bored with the repetitive stuff of how bad things are.

Most people seem to be happy living in the problem when they should be getting into the solution.

I know it was strongly suggested to you to stand as a candidare for the next elections, something I believe you should consider seriously.I believe you to be a man of high morals, integrity and courage and would get my vote any day of the week.

Senator Syvret already has the market cornered with telling us all how bad things are and how corrupt our goverment is and really has the captive audience on that.

Like I said your blogs are very little new and nothing suprising, you have my upmost respect and sympathy's, but do us a favour and get out of the problem and into the solution!!

Pike Mollard."

I do agree that we have a problem, I do agree that many of us know what the problem is, however, let us consider why policies change, improve and develop in governments.

It is beacuse problems become known, the public become alterted to issues through the media and, in turn, communities demand changes.

Political desicions are driven by the publics demands.

So, the more problems that are brought to light and publicised the more people will in their own way demand change. This can be done through political activist movements, voting or simply not voting.

As I stated in my first blog and my introduction, I want to tell my story. My story is about the problems, the objective was still to tell my story.

The solutions can take many guises for many people. The way I see it - the culture that dominates through Jersey's senior civil servants and politcal spheres is so powerful that a clear and concise solution does not exist.

The activists that are trying to change this culture, such as Senator Syvret, do not enter the battle in order to win the war. They take one step at a time, they chip away in order to weaken the oppressive powers that have ruled for so long.

How therefore, can we make any difference at all?

I see my part in this war as a small part, but nonetheless, it is significant, I have exposed something that the States of Jersey do not want exposed. Why else would Franlk Walker come to oversee the settlement at an employment tribunal of a lowly social worker?

To make a difference it requires a concerted effort. The more people who write into this blog, the more people who expose the truth about the States of Jersey the more dratic the change we will see.

I don't profess to have all the answes I am simply a mouth piece that will allow others to help find the solutions, let us do this together.

Tell me your stories, tell me what you want tol achieve, lets us unite in order to drive change; change for the better within Jersey - that is the solution to our problems.


Anonymous said...


People as a rule very rarely comment on blogsites. For example Senator syvret has, I think about 22,000 unique visitors. Of those 22,000 only 32 comments were left on his last entry.

I'm not sure if you have a blog counter or not but I would hazard a guess you might get a hundred or so hits a day. Might I suggest you put links to other local blog/websites on here that is a good way of attracting more visitors.

Saying all that, I don't believe it will bring the solution any closer. The solution OMHO is getting new blood (like yourself)in the states.

Our current lot don't listen to us because they don't have to, just look at the GST rally and signatures.

Organizing campaigns and rallies would be a step in the right direction. Since the Haute De La Garrenne and subseqent govermental and local media cover ups and unholy alliance were exposed, the eyes of the worlds media is now on our goverment and media.

The island of secrets is not such a big secret any more. Our local media, unfortunately for them and our goverment, will have to start practicing some real Journalism and reporting balanced news items.

Unity and solidarity of the oppressed and trodden on Jersey residents is what is needed to be shown in numbers. Not on blogsites and websites, but in force at places like the Royal Square, outside the States building before the members go in.

Like I said, I commend your integrity and bravery as i'm sure many others do. To the States you are a very dangerous individual, to the electorate you are "hope".

A few blog entry's makes you a pain in the arse, getting voted into the States with a huge following will make you a force to be reckoned with and bring us a little closer to the "solution"

Pike Mollard.

Anonymous said...

Dear bloggers,
I've been reading about responses to proposed solutions to jersey childcare issues and here are few more comments.
Firstly there were some comments about recent inpspections of prisons and how few improvements resulted as a consequence of external montitoring.
This may have something to do with societies oft held view that offenders are not worthy of investment and therefore the allocation of precious resources to them is of no value to society
(not my view). Children on the other hand, on the whole, command greater investment as "prevention is better than cure". The uk has been investing heavily in the prevention model for the past 7 yrs on this basis.
I would also like to say that if I gave the impression OFsted inspections would be a "magic wand" solution for jersey child care I apologise. The Jersey response to my concerns perversly went to the hub of the issue by saying I did not understand the "Culture" of jersey.Whether understand it or not is a bit irrelelvant but I think it is at the heart of the issue. Ask any management consultant what the hardest thing to change about organisation is and the answer is usually culture. Why? because it's difficult to identify( lots of smoke and mirrors)and consequently difficult to change.Organisational culture is not based upon logic or reason but past custom and practice/ belief systems etc. The culture of jersey child care is not for me to define, but I would be interested to hear from other readers who work in the system, as to what they think would define the managment culture in Jersey child care. Then compare and contrast it to the values of social work as defined by the General Social Care Council code of practice.
According to the code of practice
Social Workers must:-

3.2 Using established processes and procedures to challenge and report dangerous, abusive, discriminatory or exploitative behaviour and practice;

3.4 Bringing to the attention of your employer or the appropriate authority resource or operational difficulties that might get in the way of the delivery of safe care;

3.5 Informing your employer or an appropriate authority where the practice of colleagues may be unsafe or adversely affecting standards of care;

3.7 Helping service users and carers to make complaints, taking complaints seriously and responding to them or passing them to the appropriate person;

Supporting social care workers to meet the GSCC’s Code of Practice for Social Care Workers and not requiring them to do anything that would put their compliance with that code at risk.

I know Simon and I kept to the code of practice but did the sates keep their side of the agreement?opinions welcome.


Anonymous said...

could not agree more with Pike Mollard lol ;) you would get my vote good luck we do need people like you and thanks for being so brave x

Anonymous said...


Anon must be joking! If only the H&SS management had a shred of professional and ethical standards or belief in best practice, it would be a start, but sadly this is not the case and there is no evidence that this is about to change (despite the eyes of the world looking in).

It's not only the GSCC but also other health professionals that are compromised in terms of their professional practice by the system that this dysfunctional management supports and maintains.

Unfortunately the Health Service managers in Jersey are not bound by the GSCC (it has no jurisdiction on the island)neither are they required to adhere to the NHS managers code of conduct that states:

"As an NHS manager, I will observe the following principles:
make the care and safety of patients my first concern and act to protect them from risk; respect the public, patients, relatives, carers, NHS staff and partners in other agencies; be honest and act with integrity; accept responsibility for my own work and the proper performance of the people I manage; show my commitment to working as a team member by working with all my colleagues in the NHS and the wider community;

I will be honest and will act with integrity and probity at all times. I will not make, permit or knowingly allow to be made, any untrue or misleading statement relating to my own duties or the functions of my employer."