Monday, 12 May 2008

My Story - Part 6 (The response from the States of Jersey)

Sorry for the poor quality of this copy. If you double click the document it will show up much clearer.

This document was written by Marnie Baudains and was in response to my serious concerns complaint (whistleblowing) on the 2nd January 2007.

As you can see from the terms of reference there were three distinct investigations that resulted from my complaint.

I will take you through these investigations and their subsequent reports one by one and publish them on this blog for you to view and comment.

In doing so, I will post a blog in relation to each of the individuals who had responsibility in investigating or reviewing the findings, this will include, Phil Dennett, Linda Dodds, Madeleine Davies and let is not forget Marnie Baudains and Co.

One of the first issues which you may well have noticed is that my complaint made explicit reference to it being investigated externally. Clearly, this was not done, when I write about Marnie Baudain I will explain how I received virtually no support or unsolicited communication following on from my complaint and that there clearly was no intention to ever have the matter investigated externally or even independently for that matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Yes Minister - a full INTERNAL investigation! Hacker, of course asked for a REAL INVESTIGATION - external, by a QC. We all know how internal investigations in the Civil Service work.