Monday, 19 May 2008

Commentary on Phil Dennett's report - Section 4

This commentary is a continuation of yesterday's blog and will focus on Section 4 of Phil Dennett's report into my whistle blowing complaint.

The full report written by Phil Dennett is included in my previous post dated Sunday 18th May 2008.

Section 4 of the report considers what he refers to as 'information from Simon Bellwood'.

Before I go on, I want to emphasise something, there are many readers of my blog who have never worked in Greenfields or under Joe Kennedy's management, they can read this current blog for their information only - others, who have worked there read it with knowledge and views on issues raised by me and others.

However, in truth, I am writing this blog for all of you who work there now and for those who worked in the old building for Joe Kennedy and those managers before him - including me.

I want you to really listen to what I am asking of you and you can choose to ignore what I am saying or you can do what you feel is morally and ethically right.

Section 4.2 of Phil Dennett's report highlights the concerns raised by me in my Serious Concerns complaint of 2nd January 2007. It refers specifically to the new admissions procedure which was implemented whilst I was on annual leave over Christmas.

Anyone who worked at Greenfields will know what I mean. The one which was communicated to staff via the communications book. To help your memories I have written below what it said:

, “All staff - as from today room one will now be the new admission room, where new admissions will be placed after full admission. They will remain in room one for twenty four hours with good behaviour. Should any unwanted behaviour be shown then the twenty fours hours may be started from the start of compliant behaviour”

The person who wrote this claims that, upon reflection, they can understand how it could have been misunderstood by others. I don't want to labour this point because I do not wish to cause any unnecessary stress to that person, however, what I do want is for you all to tell me, and more importantly, the other readers what was meant and understood by that communications book entry.

I have always understood the entry to be the same as the admissions policy in the grandprix system so I have always been bewildered when anyone, like Phil Dennett, tries to argue that it was not the same.

Ooppss sorry, my mistake, Phil Dennett has never pretended it was different, he always claimed that admissions under the grandprix system, despite the wording in the document, did not involve locking children in solitary confinement, so was fine anyway.

I want to stop right there, you tell me what this all means.

You worked there.

You knew how the policy worked in reality.

You understood it.

You witnessed it.

Surely you can explain to us all in a way that is much better than Phil Dennett or I can.

Moving on to section 4.3, although this section does not use the word 'grandprix', clearly Phil Dennett is talking about that very system. He says how I felt that the system was inappropriate.

This is a slight understatement to say the least, however, despite his choice of words, let us remember that Phil Dennett's report concludes that there was nothing abusive about the grandprix system anyway.

Again, I look at you, the staff who work there, to clarify this point for me and the other readers.

You worked there.

You know how the policy worked in reality.

You understood it.

You witnessed it.

Explain to us all - the truth.

Oh and by the way, Chris Knights, the young lad who bravely went on camera about his experiences at Greenfields, his claim that he was subjected to a period of solitary confinement for nearly two months; Pbil Dennett told the Howard League for Penal Reform that Chris Knights was lying.

Some of you were there.

Speak out.

Tell the truth.

Tell us what actually happened.

Is Chris Knights lying, or is Phil Dennett lying?

I am not going to look at any other sections of Phil Dennett's reports until we have clarified the points that he has made in Section 4.

I feel that unless we can contextualise what we are talking about here, ie, what was the actual practice of the grandprix system and the new admissions procedure, then what is the point of debating the rest of the report.

Once you have helped to clarify the situation we can move on to the next issue; Joe Kennedy and I sit on different sides of the fence when it comes to our philosophy in what constitutes good child care within secure and residential settings.

The thing is only one of us can be right.

Phil Dennett, Madeleine Davies, Linda Dodds, Mario Lundy, Marnie Baudains, Mike Pollard, Bill Ogley, Mick Pinel, Micheala Clifford, and even Frank Wa*ker think I am wrong, so, they must think that Joe Kennedy is right - yes?

Oh, I nearly forgot Tony Le Sewer (damn, could never get his name right), head of the Children's Service.

Well, lets imagine that the the fence which divides Joe Kennedy and myself is broken and no-one can sit on it anymore, let us hear which side of the fence you are going to go - you can either agree with me and sit on my side or agree with Joe Kennedy and the others and go with them.

Tonight I am ready to give up, the fact that the States of Jersey have clearly decided that Joe Kennedy was right all along simply re-affirms that I am either going mad or they are too powerful for me to beat.

I am bored of writing these blogs to a seemingly invisible audience.

I am demotivated, stressed, tired, and have little fight left in me.

I need some help, I need to know your views.

Now is the time to speak up, speak up for what you believe in.

Don't feel that you should have an allegiance to me or to Joe Kennedy, do what feels right, the only thing I ask you not to do - is to do nothing as this helps nobody but yourself.

If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem - do you want to be part of the problem?

If anyone wishes to comment on the above I will post it. As for me I am tired, I need a break, they have beaten me - so for now, farewell.



Anonymous said...

Everyone who has ever worked at green fields knows that chxxx knxxxxx was not lying to the bbc. Most Staff felt bad about it.
I cant tell you how long he lived in a cell, but it happened. He is not the only kid to remain in a cell for a punishment.
The kids child care officers must know as well, if they visited in the day.They kept a book in the room outside the cells, its proof of time spent in there.
Your audience are not invisable, they have rent to pay and bills, they dont want to get involved.
Under your management the 24 admission stopped.When you were off the two managers said 24 hours in room should start again after admission.(its not that bad.)
About 2 weeks later they said no more 24 hours in room after admission. so you must have been right. if you had not ever been at green fields kids would be locked up as a way of punishing.For a short time i think that is alright.
DO you?
i dont want to get involvd but i am not afraid of the truth.

You have won really.For the kids.
But not for yourself or your own kids.

Anonymous said...


You are tired, fatigued and disillusioned.

People are frightened, they don't speak up for the simple reason they are afraid.

That is ok they will still read your blog and consider what your story. You have provided the facts and they make grim reading, regardless of the local press reports

Remember you can dissolve a government but you cannot dissolve a population and elect another. Keep us informed and we can ask the questions at the hustings

Anonymous said...


You are tired, your colleagues are frightened.
You ask a lot from people working in a toxic organistation.

You must also remember that whistle blowers are not protected in Jersey. There is also no internal structure for review and progress. Only review and oppression.Sadly it is easier to tow the line.

You will get more readers than responders. The silent majority will read and consider. They will not rant or act with passion. They will just quietly go down to the polling stations and make a small cross against a candidate's name.

This is the way that change happens - tell as much as you can so that we can ask the right questions of our politicians and chose the right candidate.

Nil desperandum

Anonymous said...

Hi Simon,
I have not worked at greenfields but have experiance of it due to my daughter being there about three years ago. She was definately held in a room with no curtains books magazines for the first 24 hours I was shocked at the time but as these people are supposed to be the "experts" I accepted this. I only wish now that I had kicked up more of a fuss!One thing I do remember was being shown the cell that possibly she would be held in if she 2kicked off it was dreadful there was a toilet with no door and when I questioned this I was told that the children had to use this with a member of staff nearby. I found this appalling something so private being listened to maybe its just me but it made my skin crawl!! I do know of the young man you mentioned who was held in solitary and have no reason whatsoever to not believe his story. I know its hard to keep battling on my experiance of Childrens Service was a nightmare they almost bought me to my knees!
I can honestly say that if any of my friends or family had problems with their children I would beg them not to approch SS after what my family went through!!

Anonymous said...

Don't lose heart. This is a difficult and shocking time seeing JK returning to Greenfields.

I did not work at Greenfields but I believe that you suffered the same sort of treatment doled out to all good professionals when they challenge standards and ?best practice in Jersey.

This culture pervades the whole of HSSD and many other departments across the states - no matter what their "paid expert" say when they are dragged in to spin a tale dictated by the 'masters of spin'.

It is not easy, you have integrity, they do not - although I know that it often does not feel like that.

Anonymous said...


I don't work at Greenfields either, but I can understand your frustration and exhaustion with this whole thing. However I do urge you to continue, I notice that you now post the number of those visiting your site and this has already reached nearly 1000, so you are being listened to.

You are giving such an insight into how the children's service works and how dysfunctional it is. You wont change things overnight, but by revealing the facts, you chip away at the awful wall of silence and layers of secrecy that H&SS shrouds itself in.

Take a break, but come back and finish the story please.

Anonymous said...

I have just read the comment left by Helen, I would be interested if any staff comment about the first 24 hours that she suggests happened to her daughter.

Can I ask Helen, was your daughter there for criminal matters or for her own welfare, how old was she?

How can this be, I have read in tonight's JEP that Joe Kennedy is back at work again.

What is going on, why are people now speaking out against this appaalling state of affairs?

I am disgusted about this whole thing, when will it ever end.

Jersey needs to wake up to its faults and people need to take responsibility and speak out and challenge these people for the sake of our kids.

Koe Jennedy

Anonymous said...


Dont give up - I dont think this is over, not by a long shot. Maybe some staff have proof of what you are talking about?

Come on Greenfields!!

Anonymous said...

Simon, I no longer live in the island. I left with my family years ago. I am appalled at the things I am reading. It breaks my heart to think of the children in Greenfields and Haut de la Garenne and the suffering they have been subjected to.That this corruption and filth has been allowed to continue is due largly to peoples fear and apathy.Please don't give up. Keep pushing forward. eventually someone's heart will be touched and they will be motivated to speak out with you . You and Stuart are there to take this battle forward. If the people of Jersey are so stupid as to elect the same government as they have now when they have the opportunity to make things better at election time in November then they deserve what they get!Only then can you give up this fight. Only then will the people of Jersey show their true colours. Time for change or too much money, greed and selfishness to even care? At that point I would pack up your family and be out on the next boat. The island doesn't deserve you. Let them wallow in their own filthy mess. Yoe deserve better. But dont give up the fight yet,there are vunerable children that need a voice. God bless you in your endeavours.

Anonymous said...

"I am bored of writing these blogs to a seemingly invisible audience.
I am demotivated, stressed, tired, and have little fight left in me.
I need some help, I need to know your views."

I think you need to get some rest and return with a fresh eye on the subject, the past year has been very stressful for you. I know a number of people who read your blog regularly, but they don't all post comments - perhaps a blog counter would be useful as an indicator of how popular it is.

Anonymous said...


I am not surprised that you are tired. The odds are stacked against you. Nevertheless you have raised concerns, it has gone public. The facts you have presented are fairly simple:

1. A member of staff unqualified to work in the children's service was appointed as head of home.

2. This member of staff instigated a system of deprivation for all children admitted to the unit.

3. The same member of staff abused his position to allow an unsuitable person to be promoted outside their level of competence.

4. An internal inquiry undertaken by manager who are untrained in investigation found no case to answer.

5. The Head of Home suceeded in manipulating for your dismissal

6. The Tribunal proceedings were halted because of the nature of evidence against the employers.

7. A second investigation paid for by the employers that allowed the situation to arise concluded no case.

8. The current investigations have not compared the Jersey system to the UK system. Why not?

9. Mr Kennedy is and remains a man with a lot of responsibility for childrens care. His re-instatement is incredulous given the facts.

10. I would like to know whether any children will be helped to take their case to Europe. It is clear that the local procedures have been exhausted so that leaves breach of Human Rights.

It is time that the States of Jersey realises that it cannot run Dickensian insititutions.

As a tax payer I would like reassurance that may money is not being used to create bullying regimes in which vulnerable members' of society are subjected to intolerable behaviour from employees.

I am yet to be convinced that all is well.

Anonymous said...


I have read Phil Dennets's report and it is a very interesting read.

He allows third party evidence to be presented without any challenge what so ever. A member of staff resigned but Jo Kennedy provides the information as to the reasons. Would this sort of hearsay be allowed in a court of law. Why did Phil Dennet not interview the member of staff themselves or look at their exit interview?

Jo Kennedy had increasing concerns about your management style. Ok what are the specifics and where is the evidence to show he did anything about this?

It seems a lot of verbal instructions were given. I always thought that if it was written down and documented there was no evidence that it happened.

He mentions a child recieving quality care. What led him to that conclusion, he presents no evidence for or against such a conclusion

Why has Phil Dennet not challenged, was he biased from the start.

As I read it you still haven't had your case investigated.

Take it to Europe - you have the right to a fair trial

Anonymous said...

Ex jersey social worker says.
I know it went on when I was there as a social worker and I raised the issue when I left in 2006 with chief exec. Helen is right and I think her daughter should consider taking out a legal action against the jersey govt for breach of her human rights.
I also know the childcare team in the town were aware of the unit induction procedure and raised their concerns at the time.Cant believe joe is back at work though! be the stsff are chuffed.
Come on speak up all it must be time for change in the scure unit at least!

Anonymous said...

Hi Simon,

Please don't give up on posting your views and evidence. It is a shame that other people who work in child care in the Island won't post or speak out what has and probably still is going on.
In my opinion they are not fit to work in child care if they are not willing to speak out against or even in defence on the current regime Maybe they should look for another career path.

Anonymous said...


Please do not stop posting on your blog. I know it must be difficult and I'm sorry that more Grreenfields staff cannot come out and openly support you.

What I will say is that many of us appreciate the information that you put on your site. You don't just give some woolly view of what has gone on - you give us the information that H&SS have, but decide to dismiss and misrepresent. You let us make up our own minds about poorly constructed investigations and misinformation.

I know you probably feel this is all futile. Believe me it isn't. You are worrying the powers that be. I don't know if you are aware, but all H&SS staff received a propaganda email from Shenton (the esteemed Sinister) telling them how wonderful the service is they work in, what a great contribution Senator Perchard had made to Social Services and what a strong H&SS management team the Sinister has in place to support him.

They have to keep saying this to try to persuade everyone its true - because actually everybody knows that it is a tissue of lies and cover up.

For goodness sake keep the information flowing - you are pushing them into very uncomfortable corners. If you give up, they will be delighted, that is what they are waiting for.

PS congratulations on passing the 1.000 mark, if you continue the circulation will only increase. If you stop you will be silenced and this part of the story will wither on the vine - exactly what the establishment want. Please keep putting on the facts, the reports, the emails.

You have more supporters than you think.

Anonymous said...

Your poll should read
Should Jo Kennedy have been prosecuted?

Tampering with evidence - tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

I know the lad you mentioned in your blog .Went through school with my son .Very talented boy,and always polite and well mannered .His family are the same.
Did not understand how and why he went down the slippery slope .
All I know is I believe him,he has chatted recently with my son.
How the hell did they manage to get away with this,did they have something on him?offered him something in return,a dealof some sorts .At a loss here,to understand,with all that has gone on ,that business continues as usual for civil servants.
Please do not give up hope,many others fighting a similar but maybe not so public stance,to get justice ,accountability and transparency.

Anonymous said...


"In my opinion they are not fit to work in child care if they are not willing to speak out against or even in defence on the current regime Maybe they should look for another career path."

This is harsh, there is no whistle blower protection in Jersey. What has become evident on previous postings is the carefully crafted oppression and discredit procedures for dealing with concerns.

To the person who posted this comment please read Phil Dennet's report and understand the problems that whistle blowers face.
Notice how it allowed hearsy and speculation from Jo Kennedy to be presented as fact and without any form of challenge.

Very few people would be able to do this. This is why people keep quiet, they know it goes on but they are helpless to do anything. They keep quiet and do their best in their own sphere of influence.

Perhaps when the full facts of the current events are placed in the public arena and stripped bare of the spin we can progress.

Anonymous said...

A response to the last Comment...

I am sure there is a fear against speaking out, look what happened when Simon Bellwood spoke out, this says it all.

However, there are people who have information who work at Greenfields, or social services etc that can reply anonymously here.

Why then, with that protection, will they not speak out?

Is this just apathy or ignorance?

I for one am at a loss as to why people still choose, after all of the revealations in recent months,to still choose to stay silent.

The staff, the children and the parents are the ones who can now force chage; just by speaking out honestly

Anonymous said...


H&SS have denied a problem, the whistleblower is neutralised, managers have been vindicated, lessons have been learnt and the service can move forward and put the dark days behind it.

No, this will not happen, the service has not changed because its ingrained culture has been ignored

For H&SS people who are frightened of speaking out, there is a very interesting article by Malka Marcovich they need to read. It explains the therapeutic effect of speaking out.

The article is entitled The violence of silence: (It can be found by doing a google search)

The author is Jewish and French. During the WWII her parents were condemned to death because of their religion but survived the horrors.

The author studies the period after 1945 in France. She observes the silence that dominates this period.

Her work is evocative and she deserves a large audience. Here are just a few extracts:

"The word survivor has a real life and a dynamic of struggle; it is a fight. When you survive you win against your oppressor who wanted to kill you."

"When you confront the negationist, or denier, it is very important to be straight with the use of words."

"In any system of domination, the denial of the crime is based on the silence of the survivors."

" I also discovered the violence of silence."

".... it is the banning of speech from the free world that makes the suffering so strong."

"it is the political function of public denunciation that creates a therapeutic effect."

Read it and think good people.

donchais said...


The battles are long and brutal. Change is slow. But, if not for people like you and Stuart, these conversations wouldn't even be happening.

I know you are tired and shoulder a heavy burden. Know what you are doing does make a difference and take strength from that.

Soldier on!

Anonymous said...


Why do people stay silent? What scares them into being silent?

You are not the first discredited reformer, that honour belongs to Lynne Swiatczak.

In December 2005 through a carefully orchestrated email campaign (as well as manipulation of staff groups) she lost her job, her home, her career in Jersey.

Why did this happen, she tried to change a service for the betterment of the island.

People do not speak out and they have good reason to be scared.

if this is to change, there needs to be protection for staff.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that J Kennedy has been re-instated.

From your blog you state that he
manipulated evidence to cover his tracks, abused his position to promote a favourite, used isolation as a means of control and restraint.

The report by Phil Dennett did not answer any of the concerns that you raised. Neither did it state what standards were in place and whether they had been breached.

Do you know who made the decision to re-instate?

It has been previously posted that a care worker who groomed a child for sex was allowed to resign and return to the UK.

The argument that there are safe systems for child protection in care homes run by the States are diminished by the recent events.

I hope the care worker who returned to the UK was reported to the appropriate UK authority. Otherwise the States could find themselves in a bit of bother if he has a job working with children.

I would want the information from the Jersey chief officer along with an explanation as to why it hadn't been reported to the Jersey police.

Anonymous said...

I see that the reinstatement of Jo Kennedy case is reported in Community care (
I have reproduced an extract from their article as your readers may find it interesting.

"The Howard League for Penal Reform visited Jersey this month to review the island's secure services in the wake of Bellwood's original concerns.

The league said the grand prix system "should never have been allowed to flourish" and called on Jersey to sign up to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Ahead of the charity's final report, expected later this year, assistant director Andrew Neilson said independent child advocates should be introduced."

So it looks like the view of the Howard league is not relevant in Jersey.

Tw more questions, was the the new chair of the children's committee consulted on this matter?

2. The corporate parent (The minister) does he have a view?

Anonymous said...


Esteemed Sinister Shenton, what perspicacity.

Hope the Sinister is reading this blog.
He may be happy to drink his own bath water but the electorate prefer clean water.

Anonymous said...

I moved from the UK and worked as a social worker in Guernsey for a few years until I could not delude myself any longer ,or compromise my professional practise. I was lucky in that I worked with a colleague from the UK and therefore had support as the system made me feel I was in the wrong rather than the other way round.

I therefore have some understanding of what you must be going through. Although Guernsey appears to be a way in front of Jersey there is still along way to go.

How must Chris Knight be feeling to be told he is a lying. When children come into residential care they should be allowed to settled in their bedroom. Not moved through a series of rooms. As for the children becoming abusive when the Joe's system was removed surely that is a sign that children are able to express their opinions. Any one who has ever worked in residential care will know that sadly this is an occupational hazard of the job.

In my experience where there is a good manger, good policies and procedures and a well trained staff team who are able to build good relationships with the young people units can be run well.

I know its not very PC but when I saw Joe Kennedy on the news my first thought was he shouldn't be any where near children looking like that. If he is reinstated then it looks like Jersey has learn's nothing from the Maguire's case.

Perhaps they could find Joe a nice little number at the prison where he can utilize his locking up skills!!

I know you feel no one is reading or responding to your blogs but last time I looked you were getting 400 hits. So please don't feel disheartened. At times the magnitude of what has happened and is still happening is hard to comprehend and this is how they have got away with it for so long. Even if you feel like nothing is happening at least you have been able to tell your story for the world to see. This information needs to be in the public domain and hopefully there is enough people like you to effect some change.

Hopefuly The Howard League will be used to working with people who will do anything to cover up the truth and will see through the spun web of lies. What frustrates me the most form my experiences and by reading yours is all the effort that goes into covering everything up rather than saying what can we do to sort it out.

When I worker in the UK I had a lovely manager who always told us to come to him if we felt we had made a mistake and he would help us sort it out. This gave us the confidence to do a difficult job as social work is all about shades of grey. If we had complaints made against us which in child protection is par for the course he always investigated it properly but we were also supported as well. It therefore was a huge shock to be viewed as a trouble maker if I dared to speak out against anything.

Keep up the good work


Anonymous said...

Hi re the question asked by anon,
my daughter 15 and held at greenfields for her own protection as she had attempted suicide and was very emotionally disturbed. I had approched childrens services for help for her. Also CAMs where involved biggest waste of time ever! She had not commited any offence and looking back I can't believe that she was treated like this. I did eventually begin to fight back and question certain social workers, the result they closed ranks I couldn't cope with her at home she was very aggresive towards me I needed support one social worker was in my home when my daughter lunged across the room to hit me luckily she didn't I was told by this woman "well lets look at the positive she didn't actually hit you!" I stopped going along with them as they really where making things worse there response taking me to a child protection conference also involving my younest child unbelievable!! Thank god they didnt have a leg to stand on but the stress and upset of this caused alot of damage to my family! all I ever wanted for my child was help to get her back on track she ended up a typical youth who once ss get involved ends up getting into trouble she did end up in prison at 16. I believe hand on heart and so does she that if we had never got ss involved none of this would have ever happend. I could go on and on about the services cams and youth action team but will save that for another day!

Anonymous said...

Please post words of support
for Lenny Harper here.

The truth will out!

Anonymous said...


Your blog makes interesting reading.

It is of no surprise that you are tired and disillusioned after suffering at the hands of H&SS.

I am surprised that you have any steam/motivation/ left at all after everything you have been through.

I would like to say to you that it will get easier and that staff will speak up and things will change.

Unfortunately in reality this is not true as staff are frightened - especially if you are not a "jersey bean".

I am not sure if you were on the island at the time Lynne Swiatczak (ex-chief nurse and deputy CEO) was hounded off the island?

She suffered at the hands of Mike Pollard, Managers and Consultants as she began to question poor practice etc etc.

She found out too late just how devious and corrupt Mike Pollard was.

As a result Lynne lost her home, career and very nearly her reputation. Despite this she has rebuilt her life and is now a sucessful exec in the NHS. Perhaps you should speak with her as I am sure that there would be some mutual support for each other.

I admire you for standing up and being counted. That certainly isn't the "jersey way"....but then I guess there lies the problem!

The truth will out Simon - stick with it.

Good luck

Please stick with

Anonymous said...


You cannot look at the events you have described and not ask why this been allowed to happen.

Now it is out in the open, how is it that nobody does anything

A few months ago Shenton was in paper stating that H&SS needed to be inspected independently. After his continued silence and his unimpressive email gaffe, I guess reform or intelligent action is not on his agenda. Yes Minister you are a fool.

I thought J Kennedy would be the scapegoat. Little did I realise that there is now an unwritten policy to hold nobody to account.

So why do we need the top tier of management, they have no function or role and they are reluctant to act.

Let's save the money and get rid of them, the chaos can continue unabated. At least it would be cheaper than the current titular system.

The Howard League mentioned that Jersey is not a signatory to the rights of the child

This is shameful!

There is no sex offender register.
We have read on your and Stuart's blog how good officers allow people to melt back to the UK, rather than investigate and report the matter to the police.

This is shameful!

The Minister critises the police officer in charge of the investigation. His excuse for such behaviour, it was a political email.

His behaviour shows he is incapable of the office.

Stuart has been vindicated but the awful circumstances continue unchecked.

My only hope is the criminal justice system. At least we know Lenny Harper is independent of the political masters and senior civil servants.

The cynic in me thinks that the there will be procrastination over the arrest warrants. They'll delay this process until Lenny retires. Let's face it the Sharp report doesn't bode well on this front.

God how much has to happen before somebody acts with integrity.

Anonymous said...

We are a group of 3 staff, we have discussed your blog on many occasions.
Most staff are viewing your blog.
We think you want us to explain the grand prix admission.
For years all young people spent 24 hours in a bedroom, prior to Jo Keneddy arriving they would spend 24 hours in a secure cell. He changed that at least so they could go to a proper bedroom!
If a young person showed bad behaviour or got 3 strikes they would go to the pits for 3 days, living in the secure cell. They were isolated from the others.The matteress would often be taken out. It was dark and cold. Toilet behind low level wall in seperate room.
ISOLATION DID happen, you are NOT lieing.
The manager must of convinced his executives that it did not happen and they were foolish to believe them.
Jo Keneddy will blame the staff and say he did not no how long young people were in a cell.
the staff who were employed at the time will get the blame.
Read the records.
We understand that the system you fought for and lost your job for is now the system which is being used.
the 24 hours has stopped and so has the 3 days in pits.

Many young people spent weeks in the secure cell. The managers you talked about never visited the young people.

Anonymous said...

so the staff have spoken out,what they have done is very brave for if they were found out they would surely suffer for it.Bill Ogley has told staff that the blogs are lies and should not be believed.Well I know who I believe
Simon keep publishing the truth,do not be silenced

Anonymous said...


So Jo Kennedy arrived into Green fields in 2004 and the isolation moved into a bedroom. He actually improved standards. From none existant to unacceptable!

The historic abuse review will only go to 2004.

So children isolated in secure "cells" in 2000-2004 don't get a voice.

Last year Mike Pollard sent round an email stating that he found nothing wrong and mischief was being made. This is not what you and other witnesses are stating. Somewhere the stories are diverging

Staff need to be able to tell their experiences in safety without fear of losing jobs, homes careers and reputations.

I would suggest that all the CEO emails on this subject are disclosed.
This includes any correspondence to external reviewers just in case the review and the recommendations may not be independent.

The Chief Minister promised the public that it would be an independent review. Who is moderating to ensure that this promise is being kept?