Thank you to all of you who posted comments to help me and also to those of you who emailed me on to offer support, advice and guidance.
Please leave questions and comments for me and I will endevour to post a full critique of the report over the coming days. Double click one each page to read then click 'back' on your browser in order to be able to move to the next page.
Please take note of Linda Dodd's amazing resume at the start of her report - this lady is very experienced and knows exactly what she is talking about!
The question is did Ms Dodds investigate impartially and expeditiously a potential failure in service
She found that there were policies in place and concluded that these were acceptable
She did not identify the policies or include them in the appendices
A policy may be in place but given it's impact in service delivery it must be appropriate and based on acceptable standards
She did not identify any aspect of appropriateness, review and re-evaluation process for policy development or implemention. Policies are recoverable and these should have been produced for the report
She criticised S Bellwood for not developing policies - surely this is not the job of one person and that the service must have a proper mechanism for policy development.
Any policy should be based on reasonable criteria, state standards and legislation. It should also generate procedures and guidelines for staff to follow.
Ms Dodds spoke to three people
two were the managers responsible for the delivery of service
The third was the person raising the concerns.
No attempt was made to interview staff, residents, parents or other service users.
Ms Dodds manages to dismiss these concerns without any recourse to any objective evidence, such as local or national standards.
It would be interesting to see what training Ms Dodds has received in regard to investigative procedures and the law of evidence and hearsay rules
If she has received such training - she should get her money back
Drivel buster
sDodds has not clarified anything apart from her observations on a short visit would it not take more than this? But then as she states she is SO well qualified so she is obviously good at making rash decisions as well
interesting document,
it seems to be a marketing document of some type up to the point where she turns to her meeting with simon bellwood,it then seems from my uninformed position to morph into a hatchet job..
can i ask you simon, am i safe in saying she completely ignored in her report all your legitimate concerns and concentrated on a strawman attack on 1 or 2 more minor points of concern to you?
keep up the good work!
Most staff at greenfields and the childrens homes under the same management umbrella have never met Ms Dodds and dont know who she is.
What does that say?
Strange to find that L Dodds believes the operational manager is responsible for strategic developments such as policy. If this is the case, why bother with the extra tiers of management such as Kennedy and Dennet.
I see that on the basis of one observed admission - all is well.
What is the difference between "gradual integration" and "isolation/seclusion"
People sign that they have read the policy - doesn't mean they are implementing the policy
If this is the standard of child protection officers' reports - no wonder H&SS settled out of court
Dinda Lodds fanbase
It is quite obvious:
The investigation's have been floored, they are bias, this has simply become personal towards you Simon from the very start.
How dare you come over from the uk and critisise Jersey's child care practise?
Keep telling your story, over 100 bloggers today alone.
If Miss Dodds in reading this report (and i have it on good authority several of the managers are) I have a question, why didnt you speak to the staff confidentially?
An investigation in which the concerns raised are outside the remit of the investigation
An investigation in which the two opposing factors are interviewed
An investigation which observes one event during a short visit
An investigation which does not examine the skillbase of the staff resource
An investigation which does not set out the concerns that were raised
An investigation which does not define gradual integration terminology
Only concern - she didn't write if Simon didint like it - there was a boat in the morning
Barnie Maudains - Queen of teflon
Ms Dodds says she found no evidence of children being locked up routinely for 24 hrs on admission
This leaves me confused as to the purpose of the Grand Prix guidance;
as posted by Simon on an earlier blog.
Simon can you clarify?
was this booklet given out to new admissions?
Is it a guide or a policy?
What is it's purpose?
It gives a clear statement regarding the use of solitary confinement ,removal of bedding, no pens or paper etc
Also this guidance is full of jargon and I found it difficult to understand.Ms Dodds says the policies are free of jargon and easy to understand
If residents at Greenfields are not isolated why was the guidance neither withdrawn or rewritten.
Bimbo Lodds
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